Don’t Force Happiness

Hi, I’m Paul Krismer your happiness expert. Really really you want to be happy. You want to want it really badly. Then it’s really hard to be happy. The more we want something, the more we want to be happy, this craving comes up inside me… I feel it...

The Strange Nature of Altruism

Hi, I’m Paul Krismer your happiness expert. This week we’re gonna talk about how money changes the way we feel. At least in part we’re going to talk about that. Now these researchers who happen to be economists wanted to allow people to spend a...

Finding the Spiritual Meaning in Life

Hi, I’m Paul Krismer. I’m your happiness expert and we are talking once again about what is life’s purpose? What do we do with the existential crises that come into our lives? I know we dealt with this in the last post so why are we looking at it...

Finding the Meaning in Life

Hi I’m Paul Krismer, your happiness expert and this week we are talking about the most dreaded of all things: An existential crisis. You know an existential crisis is just when we don’t really know our purpose. What are we here doing on earth? Why do we...

How to Bring Positivity to the Workplace

Why is it that people bring all their emotional burdens and give you a fake-work projects to do etc. And there’s all kinds of negativity: complaining and backbiting and gossiping and all that crap at work. And this is building from our last week’s episode...