Proven happiness-building techniques

Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to be successful. Relatively few people know the connection between happiness and success. And fewer still know the practical skills that lead to greater happiness and its outcome—more success.

Could becoming more happy on a consistent basis be learnable? The simple answer is “yes”. This workshop examines the 9 evidence-based interventions that truly make us happier. We can take some or all of these practical steps in our own lives and shift from getting by to real flourishing.

Imagine . . . .

. . . an enthusiastic, creative leadership team inspired to take action

. . . productivity and staff engagement rising together

. . . alignment of leadership vision and staff commitment

. . . absenteeism and presenteeism reduced

. . . future leaders stepping up today and leading by example

. . . individuals, well . . . frankly, happier ☺

Practical and immediately evident results flow from this workshop.

This workshop can be abbreviated to as little as a half day or expanded for in-depth, integrated learning to 3 days.

What Other People are Saying

  • “I am already using what I learned and life is better for it!”

    Attila Kovarcsik
  • “. . . one of the best presentations I have ever been to — so powerful and effective.”

    Keivan Mehrtabar
  • “ . . . a consummate professional and truly skilled for this role.”

    Dianne Hawkins
  • “ . . . a high energy and positive session . . . engaging and participative.”

    Marna Johns
  • “I loved Paul’s humor and his energy was right on!”

    Heather Sprunoff
  • “Paul was inspiring. Great delivery. Great message.”

    Dawn Miles
  • “I got goose bumps as I listened . . . Without hesitation, I recommend him!”

    Lorraine Robinson
