Leadership is a way of being. Yet leaders come to their roles often by chance as much as by some clearly identified qualification. Expertise in a specific subject matter is often the main reason for promotions, but leadership requires much more than job-specific skills. Organizations that grow and succeed tap into the inherent leadership qualities that are present in each of us. This workshop de-emphasizes what we individually know and instead asks us who we are.
Traditional employee engagement programs often buy the loyalty of employees’ bodies, but do not win hearts and minds. Learn direct interventions that change the way employees FEEL about their work and their workmates. Find out how corporate cultures are open to positive change. Leverage positive psychology to bring creativity, productivity, and joy in your workplace!
Workplace culture is maintained most rigidly by front-line staff: their beliefs and behaviors are often a challenge to change. When immediate supervisors become aware of their unique influence on front-line staff, it is an organizational game-changer. Supervisors can learn a mindset that shifts them from overseers of business processes to genuine roles of leaders—seeing the big picture, articulating the direction, and embracing their team in a collaborative and committed mission.
This workshop is based on cutting-edge positive psychology and the philosophy of coaching as the ideal form of 21st century leadership. Transformative organizational change occurs when bosses are coaches, who lead with emotional intelligence and profound personal integrity.
This workshop typically runs one half day.